Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Basic General Tips about Paid to click programs

How to get the most out of the PTRs & PTCs - General Tips

When you will make an account you will have to choose the categories of ads want to receive and/or view. Don't blind click all the categories! Some websites test if you are a bot or someone that can't read English by putting between the categories, choices like "delete me" and "donate my earnings". Do not click on those because your account will be deleted or your earning will be donated. Always carefully read what you click.

When you are about to click on a confirmation link within a mail, be sure that you don't click a "cheat link". This is another way of the PTR admins to get rid off the blind clickers. You will learn to recognize those links easily as soon as you avoid the first one that you will notice. So until then, keep this in your mind.

  • Put the mail address that the PTR website uses for sending you mails in your contact list. This way you will be sure that the mails you get do not go at the spam folder.
  • Do all the searches at the search ads! This way you will receive more mails which means more money. Few websites do not want you to do all the searches. You will be notified by mail for that.
  • Click on the links that you do not get paid for, from time to time. The admin will show his appreciation by sending you more ads.
  • If you are not happy with the number of the ads you are receiving from a website, contact the admin and say that you have much time to click on ads and/or read mails. Sometimes this works.
  • Do not gamble or bet! Some PTR & PTC website offer gamble and betting games where you can play with your earnings. Don't play because probably you will lose your money and you will not get paid.
  • Always wait for the timer to end before you click another link of the same PTR or PTC website.
  • Never have the same password for every website! If someone hacks one, then he will have your password for the rest. Keep all your passwords in a notebook so you don’t forget them.
How to save your time at Paid to read programs
If it takes you too long to read your mails every day, here are some tips that will help you save a lot of time!

  • While you wait for the timer to end, click on a link of another PTR/PTC.
  • Use Opera as your browser or you can use Roboform.
  • It has a powerful tool that remembers your passwords. That way you save time by not typing your password every time that is asked. Also Opera is really fast as it loads only what is needed to display a page. You can download Opera for free here.
  • At the Opera browser go to Tools --> Preferences --> General. At the “pop-ups” choose “Block unwanted pop-ups”. This way you will save time by not having to close unwanted pop-up windows.
  • Get a gmail e-mail address. Gmail is perfect for this job, special when it is used with Opera browser. Go at http://www.gmail.com/ and sign up for free.
  • Pick a certain time of the day to read your mails. Then choose your best websites and stick to them by reading all their mails. Remain active to the rest by clicking on 1 or 2 of their mails.
  • Delete the mails that are more than 2 days old. Their links will not work and opening them will be a waste of time. This do not apply for mails from TakeTheInternetBack, HTMail and Hit$4Pay.
How to avoid scammers
You will come across many PTR & PTC websites that are not listed here. Unfortunately some of them are scams. This means that they will not pay you for the ads you click. Avoiding them is not too hard

There is a general rule: Every website that offers much money per ad clicked is a scam. For example, most websites that offer ads, that worth more than 6 cents are scams. You will also find websites that offer crazy money per ad clicked like $50 or more. Those are scams for sure, so don’t waste your time with them.

Before you subscribe to a website there are 2 things you must do.
Make a search in a popular search engine like http://www.google.com/ and find out what people has to say about the website you want to join.
Check websites like the Scam Database, the Scam/blacklist page of biz.monx007 and the GPTBoycott.Com to see if the website is listed as a scam. Unfortunately new scams are not listed immediately and some good websites are listed just because some people managed to spread bad rumors.

If you stick with the websites listed here, you will be paid for sure. My lists will be updated frequently with new PTR & PTC websites and things you need to know, so keep an eye on this blog.

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